School libraries make a difference: the Great School Libraries Campaign |
School libraries, Teacher-librarians |
Perpetual Copyright in Unpublished Works |
Copyright, Intellectual property |
Submission in response to the Review of Senior Secondary Pathways into Work, Further Education and Training Discussion Paper, December 2019 |
Digital and information literacy, Libraries and students, School libraries |
This library supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: University library |
Sustainable development goals, United Nations, Universities and colleges |
Doing our part to end the "book famine": UQ's eBook accessibility project |
Academic libraries, Electronic books, Libraries and people with disabilities |
Working together: the importance of collaboration between TAFE library and TAFE teachers |
Conferences, Library services, Technical college libraries, Vocational education |
NextGen Leadership Scorecard survey findings: January 2020 |
Leadership, Survey findings |
Collecting social media for the 2015 NSW state election |
Conferences, Content analysis, Data collection platforms, Innovate, Investigate, Social media, Technology |
Cross Institutional Library Mentoring Program |
Academic libraries, Conferences, Mentoring |
Blue Shield Australia and the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and natural disasters |
Disaster response and recovery, Emergency management |
Australian library design awards 2017 conference program |
Library architecture, Library buildings, Library fittings and supplies, Library planning |
Application for ethics approval |
Ethics, Library science, Research |
National Year of Reading 2012: evaluation report |
Books and reading, Early childhood development, Literacy |
Health librarians: evidence-based professional practice [infographic] |
Medical librarians, Medical libraries |
Developing leading liaison librarians for the digital age at Deakin University Library |
Academic librarians, Career development, Conferences, Professional development, Training |
Community technology: giving public library users access to specialist hardware and software |
Conferences, Information technology, Public libraries |
ALIA-NSLA submission to the inquiry into the influence of international digital platforms, March 2023 |
Digital rights management, Management information systems, Monopolies |
An enterprise approach to research outputs collection, management and reporting at the University of South Australia: collaborating to innovate |
Academic libraries, Collection management (Libraries), Data curation in libraries, Electronic information resources, Libraries and scholars, Project management, Research |
Australian Library and Information Association 34th Annual General Meeting Minutes 16 May 2022 |
Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance, Corporate meetings, Corporate minutes, Corporate resolutions, Library Association |
Copyright reform in Australia 2017 |
Copyright, Fair use (copyright), Government policy, Law reform |
Research screener: making science smarter [audio] |
Career development, Medical librarians, Medical libraries |
Submission in response to the revision of the Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023, February 2020 |
Libraries and Aboriginal Australians, Early childhood development, Health literacy, Literacy programs |
Get connected: Network theory for library professionals |
Networking and libraries, Public libraries |
Library Technician of the Year Award Past Recipients |
Library technicians, Awards, Australian Library and Information Association |
ALIA-APLA Submission on local government sustainability to the Standing Committee Enquiry on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport |
Government policy; Local government; Infrastructure; Sustainable development; Public libraries |