The year of living digitally

ALIA Library

Barron, Linda

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This conference paper discusses the role of new and emerging technologies in connecting people to library services. 
Abstract: Digital technology plays an increasingly major role in our lives. Greater access to information and the sharing of information is making us more informed citizens, giving us more control over our lives and how we create and develop our communities.  We are witnessing a change in the nature of work, people are living longer and healthier lives, and new kinds of tribalism and internationalism are emerging. In 2017, State Library of Queensland (SLQ) is exploring digital citizenship in all its forms through our Signature Program framework – a schedule of events and exhibitions. In partnership with communities and visitors, we are spending the next twelve months connecting, creating and exploring the changing digital nature of our economy, our political processes and our leisure activities. 
SLQ is committed to designing and delivering programs and services which, not only connect and engage with audiences, but are genuine collaborations with our audiences. In 2014 SLQ adopted an annual Signature Program framework focusing on a ‘theme’ of interest to the Queensland community through a range of activities, experiences and events. The Signature Program team engages with the community and partners to develop and deliver elements that are scalable and transferable for collaboration with regional communities. In 2017 this team will focus on digital citizenship, exploring meaning and experiences at the personal and state level to engage Queenslanders in conversation with experts and each other.
At SLQ we see technology as an enabler not a driver of our services.  We have a role in supporting the community to stay abreast of unprecedented changes resulting from the digitally enabled economy and society.  During our “year of living digitally”, we will engage with audiences to develop capabilities in data visualisation, big data and crowd sourced collaboration. Building on the groundwork laid by the National Year of Digital Inclusion ( and previous innovative SLQ-led projects, such as Tech Savvy Seniors and digital literacy resource kits for public libraries, our events and exhibitions schedule will allow individuals to explore their digital world and comprehend what the new Queensland will look like. SLQ’s aim is to co-create new knowledge and partner with others to undertake and facilitate research, and to support community-based research infrastructure. This paper will report on our planned schedule of engagement, document the community participation so far and invite partnerships and engagement from conference delegates.
The “year of living digitally” program explores how technology has given us new tools to question, understand, imagine, and better the world in which we live. The flow of big data and information now generates more economic value than the global goods trade.  Affordable and democratic access to communication technologies has resulted in a burgeoning creativity by diverse global voices. SLQ is leading the way in how libraries can explore the global and local benefits of sharing, disruption and convergence cultures with visitors and audiences.


Deakin, ACT: Australian Library and Information Association
State Library of Queensland