
ALIA Library

The role of volunteers in a contemporary professional association

The last two decades have seen major changes occurring in the volunteering world. The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) in conjunction with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have undertaken a research project to consider the role of volunteers in contemporary professional associations. This report seeks to examine the impact of socio-demographic change on modern volunteering, especially for contemporary professional associations like ALIA. 

Building better library volunteer programs

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanies the paper which demonstrates how the 'Get Involved' program has successfully implemented the key focus areas of the Australian Government's National volunteering Strategy (2011) to better meet the needs of today's volunteers and library staff, align with contemporary library practice, and bring enhanced and expanded library services to the community.

Building better library volunteer programs

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference paper demonstrates how the 'Get Involved' program has successfully implemented the key focus areas of the Australian Government's National volunteering Strategy (2011) to better meet the needs of today's volunteers and library staff, align with contemporary library practice, and bring enhanced and expanded library services to the community.

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