Professional development

ALIA Library

ALIA Professional Pathways board meeting: Take home messages 28 November 2022

The meeting was scheduled to be held following the close of Phase 1 of the consultation period which was designed to progress two of the recommendations made by the Advisory Committee following the Technical Report:
Recommendation 1: Develop a framework of knowledge, skills and ethical behaviour
Recommendation 3: Develop new professional pathways
The Advisory Board discussed the areas of general agreement and areas where more work needs to be done. The three main areas for further work are:
1. Framework structure and conceptual design

ALIA Professional Pathways Frameworks Project Phase One Consultations: Research Report

In the second half of 2022, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) was engaged in the first phase of consultation conducted as a key step in the Professional Pathways initiative. The stated goals of the Professional Pathways project are to build a shared understanding of the different areas of knowledge and skills, and the values and ethics that people employed in the library and information services (LIS) sector will need, and to consider what pathways might best support them as they develop and shape their capabilities throughout their career journey.

Committees and groups review

ALIA groups and committees are an essential part of the life of the Association and the LIS sector in Australia. Groups and committees are run by energetic and committed volunteer ALIA members who generously give their time to create active and vibrant professional networks that contribute to the sector in a variety of ways, from running professional learning and social events through to the creation of sector standards and the provision of advice to the ALIA Board.

ALIA Professional Pathways Frameworks Project Phase One Consultations: Research Report

In the second half of 2022, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) was engaged in the first phase of consultation conducted as a key step in the Professional Pathways initiative. The stated goals of the Professional Pathways project are to build a shared understanding of the different areas of knowledge and skills, and the values and ethics that people employed in the library and information services (LIS) sector will need, and to consider what pathways might best support them as they develop and shape their capabilities throughout their career journey.


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