ALIA Mentoring Scheme: Mentee application
Application form for mentees in the Australian Library and Information Association Mentoring Scheme in 2021.
Application form for mentees in the Australian Library and Information Association Mentoring Scheme in 2021.
ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation discusses the cross institutional mentoring program implemented and completed by Monash University Library with six other Victorian academic libraries, CAVAL and State Library of Victoria facilitated by Linda Betts and Associates.
ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference paper discusses how Monash University Library with six other Victorian academic libraries, CAVAL and State Library of Victoria have implemented and completed a cross institutional mentoring program, facilitated by Linda Betts and Associates.
ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
In this conference paper, participants will consider the induction process from the new staff member’s point of view. They will attempt to reframe standardised, organisation-centred inductions in order to create experiences from which the staff member and the organisation both benefit. They will explore how organisations can better identify the skills and expertise that new staff bring, how this knowledge can be shared and how staff can be mentored meaningfully.