Curtin University clients have been interested for many years in the Library providing more access to the physical building along with services. In 2013 the Library building underwent a major refurbishment to cater for these needs. Once complete it was possible to position the Library towards a stage by stage progressive journey to a 24x7 model. At the beginning of 2015 we have achieved what was once considered unattainable, a Library open 24 hours a day.
This presentation follows the journey from the traditional Full Service model to the flexible 24x7 Limited Services model in use today and highlights the opportunities and challenges faced, resulting in an overwhelmingly positive reception.
When considering the changes necessary to achieve our objective we had to take into account the issues of an aging building; the staffing considerations (who, what, when, where and why) and also the traditional mindsets of what a library is there for.
While the student experience is providing an environment conducive to their study needs, casual spaces to relax and recharge are also available. Library staff support their overnight needs and a security officer provides the safe and secure surrounds.
Over the last 18 months we have implemented and reviewed our model, and while it will be ever evolving we think that we have achieved best practice.