
ALIA Library

Spanning the gap using DigiLabs

National Library and Information Technicians Symposium, 27-29 September 2017 North Sydney: bridge to knowledge
This conference paper discusses how TasTAFE Libraries, by establishing DigiLabs, have aimed to concentrate on digital literacy skill sets with a focus on areas such as: cloud computing, coding using robotics, social media, virtual reality, new technologies (how to use a 3D printer and scanner), and developing an ICT mindset. The DigiLabs were developed to provide not only access to new technologies but the physical space to learn those technologies.

The great research data scavenger hunt

ALIA National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This paper details the 'scavenger hunt' designed by the Research Services Coordinator at Curtin University to engage library staff in developing research data management skills. The paper explores the background and methods of the scavenger hunt as well as presenting the lessons learned from an amibitious project that did not proceed quite according to plan. The experience it offers is valuable for librarians looking to undertake work in the emerging area of research data management.


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