Title index

ALIA Library

(14) | " (9) | # (2) | ' (1) | 1 (11) | 2 (13) | 5 (1) | A (532) | B (51) | C (102) | D (55) | E (49) | F (56) | G (32) | H (99) | I (57) | J (21) | K (2) | L (73) | M (41) | N (151) | O (22) | P (58) | Q (7) | R (53) | S (123) | T (146) | U (20) | V (12) | W (40) | Y (3) | (2)
Titlesort descending Subject
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Regional Policy Consultation submission International cooperation, Library science, Pacific Islands Forum, Sustainable development goals
Painting with feedback Customer relations, Library users, Public libraries
Painting with feedback [slides] Customer relations, Library users, Public libraries
Partnership agreement between the Special Libraries Association (SLA) and the Australian Library And Information Association (ALIA) Cooperation, Professional associations, Special libraries
PASStime: experiments with facilitated learning (challenges, triumphs and learning to let go [slides] Career development, Peer teaching
PASStime: experiments with facilitated learning (challenges, triumphs and learning to let go [video] Career development, Peer teaching
Paws the pressure: engaging with students at Victoria University Library [slides] Academic libraries, Libraries and students, Stress management
Perpetual Copyright in Unpublished Works Copyright, Intellectual property
Person centred care and its role in health literacy [slides] Career development, Health literacy, Medical librarians, Medical libraries, Patient-centered health care
Photocopying the revolution: librarians making zines and changing the world [slides] Career development, Librarianship and library resources, Zines
Photocopying the revolution: librarians making zines and changing the world [video] Career development, Librarianship and library resources, Zines
Picture our past: a local history library journal to self publishing Libraries and publishing, Local history materials
Picture our past: a local history library journal to self publishing Libraries and publishing, Local history materials
Pimp my profile and the researcher profile health check: practical, individualised researcher support initiatives co-created by library and faculty Branding (Marketing), Conferences, Persona, Promotion, Social media
Pimp my profile and the researcher profile health check: practical, individualised researcher support initiatives co-created by library and faculty Branding (Marketing), Conferences, Persona, Promotion, Social media
Places for people: city and library Library buildings, City planning, Sustainability, Urban renewal
Poles apart, or a natural fit? Health librarians in the research environment Academic libraries, Conferences, Medical libraries, Research
Policies and Procedures in Australian School Library Resource Centres: Template Australian Library and Information Association, School libraries, School librarians, Library administration
Policy issues: the big picture Early childhood development, Literacy, Public libraries
Polyglot search translator upgrades [slides] Career development, Medical librarians, Medical libraries, Research
Positive partnerships: the ALIA mentoring scheme Mentoring in library science, Professional development
Postcards from the torrid zone: Using effective teamwork, story and gamification to create a vibrant suite of reusable learning objects Academic libraries, Digital resources (Information resources), Information literacy, Library orientation
Postcards from the torrid zone: Using effective teamwork, story and gamification to create a vibrant suite of reusable learning objects [slides] Academic libraries, Digital resources (Information resources), Information literacy, Library orientation
Predicting low literacy at age 10 in the longitudinal study of Australian children Early childhood development, Literacy, Research
Preserving our past to educate our future Database management, Digital preservation, Library technicians, Photographs, Research
President's Letter: August 2018 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: January 2019 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: July 2018 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: June 2017 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: June 2019 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: March 2018 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: May 2018 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: November 2017 Australian Library and Information Association
President's Letter: November 2019 Australian Library and Information Association
Previous ALIA awards no longer offered Awards, Scholarships
Principles of access to public sector information Freedom of information, Open access, Transparency in government
