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ALIA Library

Change management: redesigning, reskilling and redeploying

National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium, 30 October - 1 November 2013, Canberra: waves of change.
This paper examines the change management process from the announcement of the change through to the implementation of the new supplier. The paper presents findings from team surveys and interviews conducted throughout the process. Recommendations are given for staff facing similar changes in their own work environments.

Australian Library and Information Association Annual Report 2021

Contents: About ALIA -- President’s report -- Chief Executive Officer’s report -- Business director’s report -- Director of policy and education’s report -- Director Conferences and Events’s report -- How we performed against th ALIA Board’s Strategic Plan -- Our membership -- Advocacy campaigns -- Government and stakeholder relations -- Conferences and events  -- ALIA in the regions  -- Education, professional development, and training  -- Awards  -- Communications  -- Financial statements 

Digital health literacy: Final program report February 2022

In 2019, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) in partnership with Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) and ALIA Health Libraries Australia (HLA), was successful in application to the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to be a My Health Record (MHR) Consumer Education Community Delivery Partner. The aim of ALIA’s MHR education program was to deliver training to public library staff and relevant community partners so that they would be able to respond to enquiries about MHR, to be proactive in offering information about MHR, and feel confident when providing gui

Kaya Curtin!

Article from INCITE March/April 2022 Volume 43 Issue 2.
Staff at Curtin University Library in Perth outline some of the initiatives they have recently implemented to better engage with Indigenous perspectives in their services and spaces. Initiatives include creating a book club, producing a podcast series and commissioning new artworks – all guided by the ‘nothing about us without us’ maxim.


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