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ALIA Library

Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety

This submission examines cyber-safety and seniors focusing on the advantages and the barriers to being online and the role that public libraries already play in training for digital literacy and support for senior Australians in the online world. It describes examples of the current delivery of services such as Senior’s Internet Training and offers some suggestions to increase the level of digital literacy training for seniors, for consideration for the future. 

Submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics: Essential Statistical Assets for Australia

This submission has two purposes. The first is to establish ALIA’s interest in being involved in further discussion and consultation around the choice of Essential Statistical Assets for Australia; the second is to make the case for the inclusion of an additional statistic, and for the retention of two of the Category D “possibly out” statistics. 

Submission to the Australian law reform commission inquiry into copyright and the digital economy

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Australian Law Librarians' Association (ALIA) to the Australian law reform commission inquiry into copyright and the digital ecomony discusses the possible reform of Australia's copyright law to benefit the digital economy.

Submission in response to the teaching, training and research costing studying public consultation paper - independent hospital pricing authority (IHPA) - December 2014

This paper is submitted as feedback to the IHPA (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority) public consultation paper prepared by Paxton Partners ‘Teaching, training and research costing study’ issued in December 2014.

The Executive of HLA is greatly concerned at the omission in the public consultation paper of the role performed by health libraries, and by information technology in general, in the paper prepared by Paxton Partners on the creation of an appropriate classification (costing study) for teaching, training and research (TTR).


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