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ALIA Library

Newsletter (December 1971)

Contents: 1st Newsletter, early December, not dated; does not contain Minutes; report of university medical librarians' resolution to form a national group with state branches; National Co-convenors of Australian Medical Librarians Group: Jacquelline Baillie, Anne Harrison; Victorian Co-convenors: Fay Baker, Enid Meldrum; subscription $1.00 to 30th June 1972; meetings to be held quarterly; future topics to be on interlibrary loans, cataloguing, subscription agencies; future projects to compile list of member libraries, lists of basic reference books and journals, airmail subscriptions.

National Newsletter (September 2000)

Contents: Riding the wave: the Directory of Electronic Health Sciences Journals; Is there a future for the Health Libraries Section in the new ALIA?; Research output from paediatric hospitals, 1993-1996; Library service to community-based health professionals at Southern Health, Melbourne; Western Australian union list of journals to go on the Web; Preparing for Evidence Based Practice Seminar. 
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

ALIA principles for crowd funding - DRAFT

Crowd funding is an attractive opportunity – many people, each giving a little, resulting in a lot – but it’s a highly competitive arena and any request for funding has to have a clear, worthwhile objective and broadly based appeal.
These crowd funding principles have been drafted by the ALIA Board  of Directors and were confirmed at the ALIA Board meeting on 5 December, 2016.

Engaging stakeholders: the key to success in research data management services at UQ Library

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which discusses the strategies and approaches adopted over the past five years to engage and maintain relationships with the multiple critical stakeholders, and share the tangible outcomes achieved by developing the Research Data Management Services at UQ Library.

Engaging stakeholders: the key to success in research data management services at UQ Library

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
[Peer reviewed] This conference paper will discuss the strategies and approaches adopted over the past five years to engage and maintain relationships with the multiple critical stakeholders, and share the tangible outcomes achieved by developing the Research Data Management Services at UQ Library.

Developing leading liaison librarians for the digital age at Deakin University Library

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which charts the development of the scaffolded liaison librarian training program based on an annual Training Needs Analysis (TNA); evaluation and the new directions of the program.


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