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ALIA Library

Libraries and their Intersection with Indigenous Knowledges: Insight report

This report outlines insights gathered from the Dialogue Session: Libraries and their intersection with Indigenous knowledges held in Ocotber 2024. The Dialogue Session was organised by ALIA, CAUL, NSLA, and presented by Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research. The Dialogue Session provided an opportunity for members of the library and information sector to reflect on and discuss both the progress towards and priorities for Indigenous knowledges in the library sector in the near and mid-term future. 

Submission from the library and information sector to the Department of Home Affairs Multicultural Framework Review

This submission from the library and informatoin sector to the Department of Home Affairs Multicultural Framemwork Review is jointly made by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), CAVAL, and the ALIA Multicultural special interest group.

Joint submission from library and information service organisations to the safe and responsible AI inquiry

This submission into safe and responsible AI in Australia is jointly made by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), CAVAL, AI4 Libraries Archives Museums (AI4LAM) and Open Access Australasia (OAA).

Impact and management of mis/disinformation in university libraries in Australia

This snapshot report outlines key findings and recommendations from a research project conducted on the impact and management of mis/disinformation in university libraries in Australia. The full results, literature review, research approach and methods can be found in an article ‘The Impact and Management of Mis/Disinformation at University Libraries in Australia’ in the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association

Submission to the Second National Action Plan under the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework

This submission by ALIA is to inform the Second National Action Plan under the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework. The submission provides responses to Discussion Questions three and five as follows: outline the enablers that are fundamental to ALIA's efforts in reducing disaster risks (Q3); identify gaps that impede efforts to reduce disaster risks (Q3); highlight an opportunity to develop and deliver a collections disaster training course (Q5).

Joint submission from library and information related organisations to the inquiry into generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system

This submission into generative AI in the Australian education system is jointly made by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) including ALIA VET Libraries Australia (ALIA VLA), the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), CAVAL, AI4 Libraries Archives Museums (AI4LAM) and Open Access Australasia (OAA).


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