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ALIA Library

Newsletter No.6 (April 1984)

Contents: general meeting selects Conference Planning Committee and hears report of Sandra Russell's exchange visit to Seattle, Washington; Andrew Rooke and Anne Parkhowell join Continuing Education Group; ACPAD (Australian Centre for Publications Acquired for Development) will accept unwanted books and journals; GRATISSA commences in South Australia.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.5 (February 1984)

Contents: successful breakfast AGM including talk by Carmen Hannaker on her role in the LAA General Council; CSIRO ceases Australian Science Index; proposal to form a Joint Australian Information Council; draft statement on volunteer workers in libraries; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray, Sandra Russell, Anne Parkhowell, Enid Meldrum, Mary McGill.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.4 (October 1983)

Contents: the role of sections and sectional groups of the LAA; report on the 5th Biennial Conference of Australian Medical Librarians, Perth; vote at the national AGM resolves our name to be the Medical Libraries Section of the LAA; draft standards for hospital libraries; report on visit to ACI to see personal computers, hardware, software, word processing; proposal for an Australian Library and Information Research Foundation; draft statement on patient education; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray.

Newsletter No.3 (July 1983)

Contents: SA MLS is compiling a union list of serials held in medical libraries in South Australia; proposal to change name to Health Libraries Section; report on the Victorian Drug Information Centre at the Royal Melbourne Hospital; proposed Directory of Online Search Services in Australia; draft statistics form for hospital libraries; peer review; patient education information.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.1 (February 1983)

Contents: voucher-only LAA membership category for libraries below $25,000 per annum; Queensland Branch of Medical Libraries Section has been formed; audio-visual update one day seminar held at Ballarat Base Hospital was a success; legal responsibility of librarians; legal liability for providing misleading information; duty of care in giving information or advice. Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Anne McLean, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (October 1978)

Contents: Committee: Karen Bickerton, Chairman, Fay Baker, Vice-Chairman, Jane Oliver, Secretary; basic book list Sub-Committee comprises May McKeown, Gayle Edwards and Norma Worswick; most libraries are participating in the LAA Interlibrary Loan Voucher system; revised journal list prepared by Ann McGalliard ready for publication.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (June 1978)

Contents: ruling from LAA allows MLG to request funding as a Special Interest Group for special projects; journal list update; part-time librarians appointed to Mount Royal Special Hospital for the Aged and the Mt Eliza Geriatric Centre; report of talk by Trevor Topfer, Training Manager, Hoechst Pharmaceutical Department, on the role of the librarian in patient education; report on joint meeting with the Information Science Section (Victorian Group) of the LAA on Medline: its present use and plans for future development, speakers: Sandra Russell (Monash University), Anne Harrison (Universit

Newsletter (February 1978)

Contents: report from AMLG National Council meeting, 28th August 1977, Hobart, by Sandra Russell: 5 clauses of the Constitution were amended; George Franki will continue to compile the national newsletter; Shirley Liki, Department of Health, Canberra will be the next Convenor; Don Jamieson, Otago University, New Zealand, will maintain contacts with New Zealand; full text of the Amended Constitution, 28th August 1977; report by Sandra Russell of talk by Fiona Wright, Toastmistress' International, on how committee meetings are run.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


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