Publish long and prosper: using new technologies to create the researcher of the future

ALIA Library

Missingham, Roxanne; Ingram, Heather

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This conference paper explores the Australian National University Library’s (ANU Library) innovative use of technology to develop a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) designed to help learners confidently navigate and achieve success in the rapidly changing global scholarly publishing landscape. 
Abstract: You have heard of MOOCS, now meet the more agile version. Hear how it can be created using innovative technologies (Padlet and Wikipages) to build modules that bring national and international presentations into a holistic program. Based on user research from ANU Yale and Oxford, the ANU Library identified the need for better support of Higher Degree and Early Career Research communities, along with the early career academic to be scholarly communication literate. The SPOC takes learners through a set of linked capabilities to produce a publish ready scholar. The SPOC was built with extensive user consultation using an agile model. Not only were users the test community, they are also the presenters adding a new dimension. The program taps into skills of national and international leaders, building on digital learning and MOOC research. The fundamental theory is constructivist learning which combined with CX gives a strong innovative approach to the use of the technologies.
The first module produced was quality publishing. It introduced publication ethics, peer review and copyright. All modules supports multi-modal learning, enriched by discussions and quizzes. Learners have the opportunity to self-assess and to learn from their peers. This collaborative and innovative project affords learners a unique opportunity to hear from local and global publishing experts and to draw on their knowledge of the issues present in the international scholarly publishing world. An essential element of learning is the engagement with ANU postgraduate students is the identification of sense of community as an essential, the ANU Library facilitates this through interactive sessions with conversations on Twitter for learners who are unable to attend in person; peer-to-peer learning; a Q&A student panel on copyright and third party rights.
The SPOC project demonstrates that libraries can bring new theories, technologies and international outreach to the digital environment. A key is collaboration between key stakeholders and student learning communities. University libraries are recognised for their role in literacy and learning. This project takes the principles applied in a library learning environment to an international audience creating knowledge of the range of issues in scholarly communication. , As employers and government call for more digitally literate graduates, this program will deliver capabilities that support research, digital and publishing capabilities idea for future scholars, policy makers and contributors of society around the globe. The ANU Library aims to achieve these capabilities through the creation of this unique resource enabling transformational learning which contributes to researchers’ scholarly communication and publishing knowledge and successful careers.



Deakin, ACT: Australian Library and Information Association
Australian National University