ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation discusses a training needs analysis conducted by the State Library of Queensland (State Library) for Public Libraries of Queensland in 2013-2014. This presentation explores the findings of the training needs analysis and the development of the Vision 2017 Learning Strategy for public libraries’ staff in Queensland. The Next Horizon Vision 2017 for Queensland public libraries is a collaborative vision with State Library, Queensland Public Library Association (QPLA) and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ).
Four key themes are outlined in Vision 2017: Creative Community spaces, Connectors – physical and virtual, Technology trendsetters, incubators of ideas, learning and innovation.
For Queensland public libraries to deliver on this vision we explored the skills sets, management and leadership competencies required with key stakeholders across local government, library industry education sector, public library staff, ALIA, and QPLA. Key barriers to library staff becoming confident learners were found to be a culture of permission required to learn, a risk averse culture within local government, and that library staff in Queensland are disengaged from the debate about the profession.