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ALIA Library

Submission in response to the Australian Public Service Review, first round consultation

Submission by ALIA to the first round consulation of the Australian Public Service Review, 31 July 2018.
This review is looking at the capability, culture and operating model of the APS.
The submission presents a case against library staffing and service reductions in government libraries and requests that the APS Review consider the following five recommendations:
1. That the review recognise the importance of knowledge and information to the efficient and effective operation of the APS.

Sustainable Development Goals advocacy: workshops

Our Global Future summit, facilitated by Dr Gill Hallam on 29 July 2018, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
More than 50 library leaders from Australia and the Asia-Pacific met for the Asia-Pacific Sustainable Development Goals summit (SDG).
The presentations and workships resulted in the development of a shared understanding of what lies ahead for libraries and a list of actions to raise awareness and understanding of the sustainable development goals and the role libraries can play

The great research data scavenger hunt

ALIA National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This paper details the 'scavenger hunt' designed by the Research Services Coordinator at Curtin University to engage library staff in developing research data management skills. The paper explores the background and methods of the scavenger hunt as well as presenting the lessons learned from an amibitious project that did not proceed quite according to plan. The experience it offers is valuable for librarians looking to undertake work in the emerging area of research data management.

2016 national research infrastructure roadmap capability issues paper

This submission by the Australian Library and Information Assocation (ALIA) is in response to questions posed by the National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper July 2016.
The Australian Government requested the development of the 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap to determine Australia's national research infrastructure needs to underpin research efforts over the next decade.

How public libraries contribute to the STEM agenda 2017

This report, produced by ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) demonstrates how public libraries are supporting the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) agenda as centres of informal learning.  It showcases what can be achieved through local government investment and public library staff skills and creativity.
It is based on presentations at the STEAM into Sydney Conference held at the State Library of New South Wales in March 2017 in conjunction with the mid-term meeting of the IFLA Standing Committee on Public Libraries.  

Victorian public libraries 2030: the future in action

ALIA National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016, Melbourne: Engage, create, lead
This conference paper details the development of Victorian Public Libraries 2030: Strategic Framework (VPL 2030) a strategic approach to the planning of public library projects in Victoria.  It shows how the framework operates to maintain a consistent approach across the Victoria public library sector and provide updates on statewide public library development projects undertaken collaboratively by Public Library Victoria Network (PLVN) and the State Library of Victoria (SLV).  

IFLA global vision discussion: Australia contributes to the IFLA Global Vision conversation survey results

Results of a survey conducted in 2017 to elicite views on how a united library field can tackle the challenges of the future.  Respondents were ALIA personal members or work for libraries that are ALIA instutional members.  The report is a contribution to the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA) Global Vision conversation.

Research Data Management support: sharing our experiences

ALIA National 2016 Conference 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage create lead
This paper explores the place of Research Data Management (RDM) support services as an extension of the academic librarian's role. The presenters anticipate that RDM support will become increasingly important in an ever-more data-driven research environment, and share the experiences of three South Australian university libraries in providing RDM, including the skillsets developed and lessons learned. 


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