Journey maps and customer hacks: redesigning services at the State Library Victoria

ALIA Library

Hyde, Justine; Flynn, Bridie; Conyers, Ben

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015, Sydney: at the edge.
At the State Library Victoria we redesigned our service model. We used a design thinking approach so that our new service model would be customer centred and integrated. In redesigning our service model we considered elements such as changing customer needs and expectations and we looked at how people were actually using our library. We considered the physical library space, digital and mobile technology, customer self-help options, number and location of service points, and staff skills and development, as well as trends in service design in other organisations.
We ran a 12-week service design project with a joint team from the State Library and an external consultant. The project began with an intensive research phase and observation of our current services. We identified issues and opportunities with our current services and then developed responses to these through workshops with staff, and through consultation with library customers. These ideas were prototyped and tested to develop a new service model. Testing included redesigning the library after opening hours and inviting staff to walk through and experience for themselves how the new service model could work.
Our redesigned service model is based on eight foundation service principles. The new service model articulates a future state for us to work towards. We have designed service zones that are aligned to designated library spaces. We are redesigning our service processes to make them simpler for staff and easier for the customer. Our new service model brings together the physical and digital to create an integrated customer experience of the library.
We are in the beginning stages of implementing a series of phased projects that move us towards the objectives of our new service model. We expect implementation to be a multi-year, staged process.

Deakin, ACT: Australian Library and Information Association
State Library Victoria