INCITE: The magazine for library and information professionals - May/June 2018 Volume 39 Issue 5/6
Contents: From the President -- Digital introduction -- From the CEO -- ALIA Board election results -- National Simultaneous Storytime resources -- A breakdown of ALIA's income and expenses -- ALIA membership renewal process -- How to make social media more meme-ingful -- News from your ALIA State and Territory Managers -- Digital INCITE survey -- Libraries and their international roles -- The Fair Work Ombudsman provides information for non-English speakers -- The Swedish way to classify -- IFLA Barcelona and the Global Vision -- INELI-Oceania on the global stage -- The Sustainable Development Goals in school libraries -- Emergency management and the Sendai Framework -- Australian National Botanic Gardens and the Sustainable Development Goals -- Curtin University and its international libraries -- How libraries support migrants -- Podcasting is a fun and useful way to engage users -- Indigenous stories for your library -- A revised schools manual from ALIA Schools -- Volunteering at AIATSIS -- Digital resources and perpetual access.