Public libraries

ALIA Library

Public libraries at a glance

In recent times, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has relied on the NSW Crown Employees Award as the starting point for our salary scales, but we were concerned that these pay levels may not be reflective of the reality of the workplace. To test this, we embarked on a survey of people working in the sector. As a result, we have been able to produce the "ALIA LIS pay and employment snapshot 2020", which provides an understanding of real world pay and terms of employment across Australia at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020.

Submission in response to the Senate Inquiry into issues facing diaspora communities in Australia, July 2020

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), highlights the success of public libraries, as government entities on the frontline of service delivery for diaspora communities. While public libraries are very much involved in this field, they are rarely recognised for this work.

ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance Public Library Survey

Between 18 May and 10 July 2020, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) ran a survey through Survey Monkey, asking public libraries how they had responded to the COVID-19 lockdown during the month of April, specifically relating to new memberships, loans of print and digital items, delivery or collection services, and virtual storytimes.
93 responses on behalf of 293 central and branch libraries in four states and two territories were received. There were no responses for Tasmania and Victoria.

COVID-19 and Australian public libraries: interim report 30 April

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), with input from the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance, has been monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on Australian public libraries since early March. This report summarises the feedback from 225 of the 400 library services (in total covering 1500 locations) nationally, including several joint use school community libraries.

This interim report has three purposes:

Bringing leadership in libraries to life

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
[Peer reviewed] This conference paper presents an overview of the design and development of the ground-breaking Living Leadership Program including a summary of initial results from the first year of program delivery.
The future of libraries is dependent on our willingness to embrace opportunities for change today.  The impact of technology has been well recognised, but the looming need for workforce renewal and development is more significant.


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