Public libraries

ALIA Library

Australian public library staff living through a pandemic: personal experience of serving the community

[Peer reviewed] Abstract: The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic forced public library staff to rapidly rethink the services they offered as lockdown restrictions meant that libraries as social venues briefly came to an end. Online content was developed overnight to fill the void. This study examines the impact that the contactless operational model has had on library services across Australia, as seen through the eyes of eight public library staff. The qualitative study contributes in-depth data to scant literature about public libraries and the pandemic in an Australian context.

Greening libraries: a literature review for the Australian Library and Information Association

The Greening Libraries Literature Review provides an overview of academic and professional literature relating to sustainability practices in the library and information sector in Australia and overseas. It is the first output from the Greening libraries research project and was commissioned by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) with the support of the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL).

Submission in response to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Regional Telecommunications Review

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) respond to the Regional Telecommunications Review issues paper drafted by the Australian Federal Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

Online Storytime: Second Quarterly Report April-June 2021

In 2021 the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is piloting a scheme where publishers can permit the use of their Australian picture book titles in 'Online Storytime 2021' in return for a small annual payment from public library branches.
The pilot follows the popularity of Online Storytime in Australian public libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic, where Australian children and caregivers embraced the online reading of picture books by their local librarians with many hundreds uploaded since April 2020.

Renew Our Libraries

Article published in INCITE  September/October 2019 Volume 40, Issue 9/10.
Robert Knight shares how, after successive state governments spent decades underfunding New South Wales public libraries, the 2018–2019 Renew Our Libraries campaign successfully delivered the largest single increase in library funding since the introduction of the NSW Library Act in 1939. 

Library Design Conference 2021: Changing Spaces

Library Design Conference 2021: Changing Spaces virtual conference held on 18 March 2021.
This document provides a conference program. Featuring presentations on:

  • Designing public buildings in a post-COVID environment (Keynote)
  • Changing faces, spaces and places: the impact of Library space transformation at the University of Western Australia
  • The Creative Technology Hub sets sail
  • State Library Victoria
  • City of Salisbury Library
  • Library Design Awards 2021
  • Library Design Awards panel

Queensland Library Achiever of the Year 2020: Nomination form

The Queensland Library Achiever of the Year Award is maintained by the ALIA Queensland group.
The Queensland Library Achiever of the Year Award is an annual merit prize aimed at:

  • Encouraging recognition of an individual working in any sector of the library and information profession in Queensland
  • Providing an opportunity to promote innovation and excellence within the library and information profession
  • Increasing the profile of the profession

This document is a form for self-nomination and nomination to receive the award.

Digital Health Literacy screen display template (vertical) [slides]

During the first phase of ALIA's digital health literacy training program, more than 2,700 public library staff have been trained to support patrons in navigating and understanding Federal Government digital health initiatives, such as My Health Record. 
This document (PowerPoint slides) provides instructions and templates to create a visual resource to help library staff run information sessions ALIA has created.


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