Public libraries

ALIA Library

Share Your Stories With the World: Victorian public libraries and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Public libraries are highly regarded institutions and leaders in the community, with significant influence on local government. The purpose of this report is to support leaders in the Victorian library sector to leverage their relationship with local government and policy makers; and to share their stories and contribute to federal reporting on the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Sustainable Development Goals: template for public libraries

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), through the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA), has identified the need for an easy way for library services to identify, collate and report on the activities which contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This template identifies the 10 goals that are most appropriate to Australian libraries and provides ideas for the kinds of content under each goal.

Guidelines for Australian home library services

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) supports social inclusion and asserts that all Australians should therefore have access to the resources and services of a public library, regardless of their circumstances. Home library services exist to provide services to users who - through reasons including disability, illness and limited mobility - are unable to access public libraries in person.

Statement on voluntary work in library and information services

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) recognises that library services can be enhanced by well supported volunteers, and providing volunteers with meaningful community roles is a legitimate function of a public library service.
Use of volunteers in library and information services for specific purposes is acceptable but must never compromise the quality of service provision, nor replace paid employment in any way.

Online Storytime: Report for January-March 2021

In 2021 the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is piloting a scheme where publishers can permit the use of their Australian picture book titles in 'Online Storytime 2021' in return for a small annual payment from public library branches.
The pilot follows the popularity of Online Storytime in Australian public libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic, where Australian children and caregivers embraced the online reading of picture books by their local librarians with many hundreds uploaded since April 2020.

Announcement of the 2019 ALIA NT Recognition Award

The ALIA NT Recognition Awards are an annual merit prize which celebrates and recognises the work of a team or individual working in any sector of the library and information profession in the Northern Territory. There are two awards reflecting the unique geography of the Territory.
In 2019 there were joint winners of the ALIA NT Recognition Award - Alice Springs Public Library Youth Team and the Northern Territory Library.


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