Medical libraries

ALIA Library

HLA News (September 2010)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Scopes of practice -- From your convenor -- Exploring expert searching -- ALIA/HLA workforce and education project update -- Evidence-based practice seminar report -- HLA/HCN 2010 Innovation Award presentation -- Health libraries, law libraries: parallels and reflections -- Anne Harrison Award presentation -- News from your sponsor: Indigenous health -- Churchill Fellowship to Jane Shelling.

HLA News (June 2010)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Innovative library driven project -- From your convenor -- Victorian shared library services -- ALIA/HLA workforce and education project update -- HLA/HCN Innovation Award announcement: winner and finalists -- Do you have what it takes to be a leader? -- Steele on wheels -- HLA Executive Committee contact list -- News from your sponsor: health stories made good headlines -- ALIA Access 2010 conference.

HLA News (March 2010)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Sharing a library management system -- From your convenor -- Discovery engines -- ALIA/HLA workforce and education project update -- Open source technology -- Vale June Rider Jones -- Notes from VALA 2010 -- News from your sponsor: Allied Health Information -- What is this thing called CHLF? -- Introducing your HLA Executive Committee -- Awards (call for applications) -- ALIA Access 2010 conference.

HLA News (December 2009)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Knowledge retention and the departing employee -- From your convenor -- I listen, I learn, iPods -- Relevance of health libraries in the digital age -- Knowledge: use it or lose it -- News from your sponsor: Informit Health collection -- Call for nominations -- ALIA's HLA workforce and education research project 2009.

HLA News (June 2009)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: e-Health big picture -- From your convenor -- HLA/HCN Innovation Award (abstracts) -- Job exchange report -- EBSCO product update -- National Broadband Network -- Aurora report -- Online tutorial for nursing students -- Brenda Heagney reflects on 50 years in libraries -- ACEBP closure -- ALIA Special Libraries Advisory Committtee.



HLA News (September 2009)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: ICML 2009 report -- From your convenor -- Positioning the profession in Australia -- Patron of ICML -- News from your sponsor: Informit Health Collection -- Continuing education sessions at ICML 2009 -- Adventures galore: the social program -- CEBPA launch -- ALIA's HLA workforce and education research project 2009 -- 2010 HLA/HCN Innovation Award -- Call for nominations.

HLA News (January 2009)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Future visions for CPD in health librarianship: an Australian perspective -- From your convenor -- Chasing the sun: 2008 update -- Hospital libraries in Greece -- 2008 Australian health reports -- Lady with the lamp: Scutari Hospital -- EBSCO product update -- Vale Alison May Holster -- HLA/HCN Health Informatics Innovation Award -- HLA Executive contact list.



HLA News (March 2009)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Consumer health information services -- From your convenor -- The health information prescription -- The child health library, WA -- EBSCO product update -- Exemplary health science libraries in USA -- Book review -- Sexual and reproductive health CD project -- Drug info at your library.



Australian health libraries’ contributions to hospital accreditation and the National Safety and Quality Health Services (NSQHS) Standards [slides]

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the talk on the results of the Health Libraries for National Standards (HeLiNS) research project.


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