HLA News (Winter 2015)
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Encouraging the use of ebooks in hospital libraries -- Convenor's focus -- Gratisnet update -- Essentials of Health Librarianship: online course now available -- Book review -- HLA Evidence Summary: 10 online evidence based medical texts -- Member spotlight: Catherine Voutier -- HLA Evidence Summary: factors affecting successful collaboration in interdisciplinary research -- Smart Searching: call for feedback.
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Forget orange, collaboration in the new black -- Convenor's focus -- EAHIL Conference report -- HLA 2014 Executive Committee list -- Observations on Kate Arnold's Collaboration keynote -- Member spotlight: Diana Blackwood.
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
This special issue of HLA News includes papers and posters from the Joint Collaboration Conference 2014 - Health Libraries Australia (ALIA) Annual Professional Development Day and 11th Health Libraries Inc Conference - held on Friday 19 September 2014 at the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne.
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Introducing the Smart Search modules -- Convenor's focus -- HLA 2014 Executive Committee list -- Handing on the baton -- Emerging technologies in medical libraries -- Gratisnet update -- Member spotlight: Lyndall Warton -- ALIA 2014 Conference: health stream announcements -- HLI/HLA joint conference: conversations on the theme and link to online registrations.
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association