ALIA LIS education, skills and employment trend report 2016

ALIA Library

Australian Library and Information Association

This report concludes that Library and information science is an occupation with a relatively small, highly qualified workforce (representing approximately 0.2% of the Australian labour force) and an equally small education footprint (approximately 0.2% of VET students and 0.1% of higher education students).
Although the LIS workforce is small, our sector has significant reach and profile because millions of Australians use library services. More than 8.6 million Australians are registered public library users (source: National and State Libraries Australasia statistics) and still more use university, VET, special and school libraries.
The library and information sector remains an attractive proposition. It has a higher average age for workers, many of whom benefit from the option of part time flexible working. However, the workforce tends to be fairly static, with a relatively small number of vacancies occurring through staff turnover, people leaving the sector and the creation of new positions. The full impact of Baby Boomer retirement has yet to be felt, with people staying longer in the workforce. 
There will be a modest increase in the number of qualified positions available over the next five years, but a significant decrease in the number of positions for staff without a library and information science qualification. Changes to ALIA’s professional development program in the lead up to 2020 will reflect the need for Certified Professional status in many parts of the sector.

Deakin, ACT : Australian Library and Information Association
ALIA Futures