IFLA Australian Caucus Terms of Reference
The role of the IFLA Australian caucus is to provide:
The role of the IFLA Australian caucus is to provide:
ALIA is investing in a new website and database designed to make managing membership easier and more convenient, and to make information more findable for all our website users.
This document describes the new Member Centre, to be launched 23 August 2021, and answers frequently asked questions.
The first meeting of the ALIA Professional Pathways Board in 2021 was conducted over Zoom on 5 July 2021, and included discussion of a range of issues including:
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is committed to an active policy of social inclusion and through its leadership, advocacy, education and professional development activities for and on behalf of its members, there is a well-educated library and information workforce whose contributions to libraries enhance the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of Australian society.