Library architecture

ALIA Library

Designing for the Future in Australia: A Retrospective on the ALIA Library Design Awards

Library designs shape people’s expectations and experiences of what libraries can be. Their physical spaces house collections, provide safe spaces for people to meet and engage, and enable access to services and activities designed to meet community needs. Libraries’ digital spaces extend these services and supports beyond the physical walls, enabling after-hours access to the world’s knowledge. When library buildings are designed well, they serve as beacons in their communities.

Library Design Conference 2021: Changing Spaces

Library Design Conference 2021: Changing Spaces virtual conference held on 18 March 2021.
This document provides a conference program. Featuring presentations on:

  • Designing public buildings in a post-COVID environment (Keynote)
  • Changing faces, spaces and places: the impact of Library space transformation at the University of Western Australia
  • The Creative Technology Hub sets sail
  • State Library Victoria
  • City of Salisbury Library
  • Library Design Awards 2021
  • Library Design Awards panel


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