
ALIA Library

Advocacy for health libraries [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the talk 'Advocacy for health libraries' and outlines an approach to effective advocacy and describes seven ways to improve advocacy skills.

The library and information agenda: questions for political parties 2013

This document list nine questions for political parties regarding the 2013 Library and Information Agenda – four themes and 10 items which we believe are essential for promoting literacy, enabling citizens to be well informed, supporting socially inclusive communities and contributing to the success of Australia as a knowledgebased economy. 

Australian Government libraries: policy decisions based on fact

Government library and information professionals connect politicians and government employees to the essential information they need to make decisions based on facts, not fiction. The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) calls for all state, territory and federal government departments to have equal access to quality information and resources, managed by qualified library and information professionals. 

The library and information agenda 2015

This document summarises how people who work in the library and information field want Australian Governments to engage with library and information services during their term of office. Throughout the political process, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) will be lobbying for The Library and Information Agenda – four themes and 10 items which we believe are essential for promoting literacy, enabling citizens to be well-informed, supporting socially inclusive communities and contributing to the success of Australia as a knowledge-based economy.

Feasibility study for the development of a National Coalition for Information Literacy Advocacy: final report 2002

This report is an outcome of a feasibility study carried out during October–December 2001 by the Australian Council for Educational Research. The focus of the study was the proposal to develop a national coalition for information literacy advocacy and it was carried out on behalf of the Australian Library and Information Association, the National Library of Australia and the National Office for the Information Economy.

Australian Public Library Alliance achievements 2016-2018

The ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) is the peak body for public libraries in Australia. Our committee comprises the chair of every state-based public library association, a senior representative from the ACT, Northern Territory and Tasmanian library services, and expert members. We represent 94% of all the 1500 public libraries across Australia through membership subscription.

The library and information agenda 2016

This document summarises how people who work in the library and information field want the government to engage with library and information services to enable Australians to be well-informed, literate and ready for future economic and technological challenges.
1. A national framework for digital access to cultural collections
2. Improved access to data and scholarly information through the development and trial of open access models for government-funded research


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