
ALIA Library

Stop short changing TAFE students

The role of library and information professionals is to find, share and connect. To connect people with ideas, books, information, knowledge, resources and the broader community. Library services enable discovery and innovative thinking, and, as information professionals, we are trusted guides. In a global knowledge economy, our information skills have never been more important. 

Australian Public Library Alliance achievements 2010-2015

The ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) is the peak body for public libraries in Australia. Our committee comprises the chair of every state-based public library association, a senior representative from the ACT, Northern Territory and Tasmanian library services, and expert members. We represent 94% of all the 1500 public libraries across Australia through membership subscription.

Future of the library and information science profession: action list

In 2013, ALIA set out to investigate the big questions about our future: how will libraries remain relevant for users?; what changes will institutions and individuals in the sector experience?; will ‘library and information professional’ continue to be a necessary and desirable occupation? Challenging, insightful, inspiring responses to our request for feedback at events held all around Australia was received.  As a result, ALIA has been able to identify themes and develop actions that will support positive outcomes. The findings from the project have been produced as seven reports.

The library and information agenda 2013

This document summarises how people who work in the library and information field want the new Australian Government to engage with library and information services during its term of office. In the run up to the federal election, we will be lobbying for The Library and Information Agenda – four themes and 10 items which we believe are essential for promoting literacy, enabling citizens to be well informed, supporting socially inclusive communities and contributing to the success of Australia as a knowledgebased economy. 

Advocacy action planning workbook

Is your library service well funded, valued, secure? Few library services in Australia and worldwide can answer a resounding yes to this question. Even those that are currently in a good position sense that it only needs a change in council or a new executive who doesn’t appreciate the role and worth of public libraries for the environment to change. A planned advocacy campaign is a way of influencing the long term outcome for your library service  


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