Library surveys

ALIA Library

ALIA TAFE library survey 2016

There are 246 TAFE libraries in Australia, supporting VET students in every State and Territory. At the beginning of 2016, ALIA's Vocational Education and Training Libraries Advisory Committee (VLAC) sought feedback about how changes in structure and funding have affected TAFE libraries and the library and information professionals who run them.
TAFE libraries were asked to complete an online questionnaire with 32 questions relating to changes in collection format, staffing, funding, space and the size of population served. The survey ran from 1 to 25 February 2016.

A snapshot of eLending in public libraries

This document presents the results of a survey undertaken by the Australian Library and Information Association Book Industry and eLending Advisory Committee. The survey provides a snapshot of the situation at the end of 2019. The top five 'asks' from respondents were a wider range of ebook content, better lending model conditions, improved cost per use, improved timeliness of release to libraries and improved reporting. While 83% were satisfied or very satisfied with the choice of ebooks, 91% were less than satisfied or not satisfied by the licensing conditions and costs.

ALIA TAFE library survey 2019

There are 246 TAFE libraries in Australia, supporting VET students in every State and Territory. At the beginning of 2019, ALIA's Vocational Education and Training Libraries Advisory Committee (VLAC), chaired by Brenda Burr, sought feedback about how changes in structure and funding have affected TAFE libraries and the library and information professionals who run them.

The school library workforce in Australia

ALIA 2016 National Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016, Adelaide: Engage, Create, Lead
[Peer reviewed] This paper engages with the issue, raised by Lonsdale in 2003, of a lack of data regarding national staffing trends in Australian school libraries. The authors review the literature available, including general census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, library sector-specific information, and data from the education sector (including school libraries). Particular focus is given to the Staff in Australian Schools survey, as well as its limitations. 


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