
ALIA Library

Foundation knowledge, skills and attributes relevant to information professionals working in archives, libraries and records management

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Australian Society of Archivist (ASA) and Records and Information Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA) collaborated on the development of the Foundation Knowledge, Skills and Attributes for information professionals working in archives, libraries and records management. 

Stop short changing TAFE students

The role of library and information professionals is to find, share and connect. To connect people with ideas, books, information, knowledge, resources and the broader community. Library services enable discovery and innovative thinking, and, as information professionals, we are trusted guides. In a global knowledge economy, our information skills have never been more important. 

Putting a value on 'priceless': an independent assessment on the return on investment of special libraries in Australia

In 2014, ALIA, in conjunction with the Australian Law Library Association, Health Libraries Inc (HLInc) and Health Libraries Australia (ALIA HLA, a national group of the Australian Library and Information Association), released a study which suggests law firms, government departments, associations and other organisations involved with special libraries gain over $5 in return for every $1 they invest in special libraries.

Questions of life and death: an investigation into the value of health library and information services in Australia

Health libraries across Australia, and indeed the world, are under pressure from funding cuts, and it is against this backdrop that Health Libraries Inc and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) have collaborated to carry out this investigation into the value of health library and information services in Australia. 


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