Title index

ALIA Library

(14) | " (9) | # (2) | ' (1) | 1 (11) | 2 (13) | 5 (1) | A (532) | B (51) | C (102) | D (55) | E (49) | F (56) | G (32) | H (99) | I (57) | J (21) | K (2) | L (73) | M (41) | N (151) | O (22) | P (58) | Q (7) | R (53) | S (123) | T (146) | U (20) | V (12) | W (40) | Y (3) | (2)
Titlesort descending Subject
ACOC 2018 seminar: resource description for the 21st century program Cataloging, Resource description & access
ACOC, ORDAC and RDA [slides] Cataloging, Resource description & access
Adding bibliographic data to Wikidata using Zotero Data collection platforms, Machine readable bibliographic data, Open source software
Adding bibliographic data to Wikidata using Zotero [slides] Data collection platforms, Machine readable bibliographic data, Open source software
Adult literacy: the missing piece in the information literacy landscape Digital and information literacy, Libraries and adult education
Adult literacy: the missing piece in the information literacy landscape [slides] Digital and information literacy, Libraries and adult education
Adult media literacy in Australia: attitudes, experiences and needs Media literacy
Advancing the digital capacity of remote communities [slides] Digital communications, Internet access, Sparsely populated areas
Adventures in collaboration: library and information workers as 'Master Builders' of knowledge Conferences, Information management, Public libraries
Adventures in collaboration: library and information workers as 'Master Builders' of knowledge Conferences, Information management, Public libraries
Advocacy action planning workbook Lobbying, Strategic communication
Advocacy for health libraries [slides] Advocacy, Career development, Lobbying, Medical librarians, Medical libraries
After the deluge: understanding and valuing collections at ANU Library Disaster response and recovery, Emergency management
After the flood: the long tale of recovery, cooperation, and collaboration Emergency management, Flood damage, Library buildings
Agile: a tale of librarians working within a software development framework [slides] Career development, Software frameworks, Teams in the workplace
Agile: a tale of librarians working within a software development framework [video] Career development, Software frameworks, Teams in the workplace
AGLIN Commonwealth Government Agency Libraries Review: Stage 2 Report Government libraries, Library administration, Library trends, Special libraries
Aim high: look past our problems to get past our problems [slides] Archival materials, Archives and libraries, Archives and the user, Organizational change
AIMR: Delivering targeted information to the sector Resource description & access, Research
Akaltye Antheme, a continuing partnership Northern Territory, Libraries and indigenous peoples, Information services, Library users
ALA’s Core Competences of Librarianship Professional practice, Professional associations
ALCC submission to the Senate Committee reviewing the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill 2017, February 2018 Copyright, Fair use (copyright), Online information services
ALIA 2012 biennial conference program Conferences
ALIA 80 years strong Australian Library and Information Association, Libraries
ALIA 80 years strong: campaign wrap-up Anniversaries, Australian Library and Information Association, Marketing
ALIA and international relations statement International cooperation, Libraries, Librarians
ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance National strategy and action plan 2019-2022 Library administration, Public libraries, Strategic planning
ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance Public Library Survey COVID-19 (Disease), Public libraries, Survey findings
ALIA Board Charter Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance
ALIA Board climate change statement Climate change, Professional associations, Environmental sustainability, Australian Library and Information Association, Libraries, Information services
ALIA Board election 2017: candidate information Australian Library and Information Association, Directors of corporations
ALIA Board of Directors Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance, Directors of corporations
ALIA Board of Directors Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance, Directors of corporations
ALIA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: 10 August 2021 Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance, Corporate meetings
ALIA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: 10 September 2019 Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance, Corporate meetings
ALIA Board of Directors Meeting Agenda: 15 March 2021 Australian Library and Information Association, Corporate governance, Corporate meetings
