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ALIA Library

Submission in response to the Inquiry into access to Australian Standards adopted in delegated legislation by the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, Legislative Council of Western Australia

ALIA would like Australian Standards to be freely available through libraries to the citizens who have effectively funded their development, and we hope this Inquiry will be able to identify measures that will indeed improve public access.

Submissions in response to the Draft National Strategy for International Education - April 2015

In order to maximise the potential of libraries to support the international student experience, on campus and remotely, funding must be made available for the very latest resources and we ask the Australian Government to recognise this in its final report detailing the national strategy for international education.

Submission in response to the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee review into telecommunications services in Regional Australia

ALIA supports the development of a new model for minimising broadband data transmission costs for public information accessed through public institutions such as libraries and for non-commercial purposes.

It was also noted that there is a need for assistance from public library staff for users of electronic services, both for accessing government information and for everyday online tasks.

Submission in response to the ATO Digital by Default Consultation Paper, January 2016

While government departments and agencies can drive their own delivery of egovernment, take up by the public is something which has to be encouraged and assisted. Public libraries are well positioned to assist with this transition, given the additional resources needed to do so (primarily staff time and skills). 

Submission in response to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper: National Education Evidence Base

This paper is submitted as feedback to the Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper relating to the National Education Evidence Base.  ALIA comes to this from a number of perspectives:  as a member of the informal coalition of organisations promoting a national early literacy strategy for Australia; as the peak body for libraries, with members in the school, academic and public library networks; and as an Australian Research Institute supporting deeper knowledge and evidencebased practice in the library and information sector.

The community returns generated by Australian 'special' libraries

A consortium of library associations including the Australian Government Libraries Information Network (AGLIN), Australian Law Librarians’ Association (ALLA), Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Health Libraries Australia (HLA) and Health Libraries Inc (HLI) has worked with SGS Economics & Planning Pty Ltd (SGS) in the prepartion of this report.

Guidelines for Australian health libraries 4th edition

The challenge, particularly with a prescriptive document such as this, is to produce guidelines which are broad enough to encompass all health libraries but which detail an acceptable and achievable level of practice across those same libraries. To this end the Guidelines need to be flexible, adaptable and applicable irrespective of the size and makeup of any individual library service. It is hoped the fourth edition of the Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries achieves this desired outcome. 


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