International librarianship

ALIA Library

ALIA International Affairs Advisory Committee report on involvement in international activities

In 2017 the ALIA International Relations Advisory Committee was formed to advise the ALIA Board on issues related to international affairs, advocate on the benefits both for individuals and the Association in international engagement, encourage international collaboration and sharing of ideas and build awareness within the Australian library community of involvement in various international initiatives. 
This brief report provides an update of international activities as of January 2018.

From fieldwork to immersion: A trans-continental personal account of transformation and what it means to be an information professional [poster]

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference poster presentation outlines the fieldwork experience of an information professional in the Philippines.

How professional development helps me travel the world: ALIA PD scheme in practice [poster]

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference poster presentation accompanied the talk "You're going to hear me roar! How the ALIA PD scheme helped me develop my leadership skills and travel the world". Participating in the ALIA PD Scheme creates new opportunities for mid-career professionals, including the chance to develop library leadership skills and skills in strategic thinking. 

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