School libraries

ALIA Library

Promoting your school library: target audience - library teams

This document assists in the promotion of the role of the school library and the teacher librarian to library teams.
It supports the short promotional film developed by ALIA Schools, 'Promoting your School Library', which gives an overview of the role that school libraries and teacher librarians can play by contributing to student success in learning in both primary and secondary school settings.
Five key stakeholders have been targeted as the audience for this film:

Promoting your school library: target audience - school staff

This document assists in the promotion of the role of the school library and the teacher librarian to school staff.
It supports the short promotional film developed by ALIA Schools, 'Promoting your School Library', which gives an overview of the role that school libraries and teacher librarians can play by contributing to student success in learning in both primary and secondary school settings.
Five key stakeholders have been targeted as the audience for this film:

Promoting your school library: target audience - principal/leadership team

This document assists in the promotion of the role of the school library and the teacher librarian to the principal and/or leadership team.
It supports the short promotional film developed by ALIA Schools, 'Promoting your School Library', which gives an overview of the role that school libraries and teacher librarians can play by contributing to student success in learning in both primary and secondary school settings.
Five key stakeholders have been targeted as the audience for this film:

Promoting your school library: target audience - parents

This document assists in the promotion of the role of the school library and the teacher librarian to parents.
It supports the short promotional film developed by ALIA Schools, 'Promoting your School Library', which gives an overview of the role that school libraries and teacher librarians can play by contributing to student success in learning in both primary and secondary school settings.
Five key stakeholders have been targeted as the audience for this film:

A manual for developing policies and procedures in Australian school library resource centres, 2nd edition [text only]

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Schools and the Victorian Catholic Teacher Librarians (VCTL) make available to school communities 'A Manual for Developing Policies and Procedures in Australian School Library Resource Centres'. It is the result of a joint working party and has been published to support the professional practice of staff in school libraries.

A manual for developing policies and procedures in Australian school library resource centres, 2nd edition

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Schools and the Victorian Catholic Teacher Librarians (VCTL) make available to school communities 'A Manual for Developing Policies and Procedures in Australian School Library Resource Centres'. It is the result of a joint working party and has been published to support the professional practice of staff in school libraries.

ALIA future of the library and information science profession: school libraries 2017 report update

In 2013, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) set out to investigate (1) How will libraries remain relevant for users? (2) What changes will institutions and individuals in the sector experience? (3) Will ‘library and information professional’ continue to be a necessary and desirable occupation? Three years on, we have reviewed the themes, actions and what we have learned since the original investigation. This is the May 2017 update of the Future of the LIS Profession: School Libraries report. 

10 ways that libraries power high performance schools

Australian school libraries power high performance government, Catholic and independent schools through providing modern learning environments, digital hubs, developing student research skills, promoting reading for pleasure, providing curriculum support and cybersafety education, celebrating diversity, enabling participation and access, coordinating special programs, and building communities.


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