
ALIA Library

HLA News (March 2009)

HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - A group of the Australian Library and Information Association
Contents: Consumer health information services -- From your convenor -- The health information prescription -- The child health library, WA -- EBSCO product update -- Exemplary health science libraries in USA -- Book review -- Sexual and reproductive health CD project -- Drug info at your library.



Newsletter No.36 (November 1991)

Contents: report on Achieving Excellence: fourth Asian-Pacific Special and Law Librarians Conference with the Ninth Biennial Health Librarians Conference, management strategies for the one-person or minimal staff health services library; Australia-wide scheme for serials duplicates; quality assurance in health libraries; budget survey of Melbourne hospital libraries.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.33 (February 1991)

Contents: Executive: Joan Martin, Ruth Lawrence, Enid Meldrum, Roxanne McIvor, Ann McGalliard, Jenni Rusciano, Jo Marshall, Anne McLean, Vanessa Craven, Jan Hindson; report on DA Books; daily/weekly statistics tally sheet; future of Australian Medline Network; Australian Council of Allied Health Professions.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


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