
ALIA Library

Newsletter (July 1973)

Contents: report of unproductive meeting with Hospital and Charities Commission that, until we could prove there was a need for librarians in country hospitals, we could not expect much sympathy from the boards of management; more discussion about an advisory committee for country hospitals; loose-leaf format proposed for medical library directory; $2 subscription due.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (March 1973)

Contents: suggestion to form an honorary advisory panel to help librarians to establish new medical libraries; potential for a scholarship for training in medical librarianship; talk by Fay Baker on her trip to the Philippines as Medical Library Consultant with the World Health Organization.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (December 1972)

Contents: suggestions of topics for future meetings include structure of postgraduate specialists courses, regional organization of hospitals and plans for hospital libraries, establishing a new hospital library, services of an expert advisory committee; talk by Paul Hodgson on the Australian MEDLARS Service includes history of the establishment, future plans, capacity of the service, current awareness service, requirements for using MEDLARS over a manual search.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (December 1971)

Contents: 1st Newsletter, early December, not dated; does not contain Minutes; report of university medical librarians' resolution to form a national group with state branches; National Co-convenors of Australian Medical Librarians Group: Jacquelline Baillie, Anne Harrison; Victorian Co-convenors: Fay Baker, Enid Meldrum; subscription $1.00 to 30th June 1972; meetings to be held quarterly; future topics to be on interlibrary loans, cataloguing, subscription agencies; future projects to compile list of member libraries, lists of basic reference books and journals, airmail subscriptions.

National Newsletter (September 2000)

Contents: Riding the wave: the Directory of Electronic Health Sciences Journals; Is there a future for the Health Libraries Section in the new ALIA?; Research output from paediatric hospitals, 1993-1996; Library service to community-based health professionals at Southern Health, Melbourne; Western Australian union list of journals to go on the Web; Preparing for Evidence Based Practice Seminar. 
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

National Newsletter (July/August 2001)

Contents: Health Libraries Australia: new group endorsed by ALIA; ALIA Group application form; reports from portfolio holders on information policy, benchmarking, evidence based healthcare; consortia; summaries from Queensland, Western Australia, ACT, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. National Executive: Melanie Kammermann (Convenor), Patrick O'Connor (Secretary), Veronica Delafosse (Treasurer).
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


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