Library technicians

ALIA Library

WA Library Technicians Group (WALT) conference grant: winning essay 2011

The aim of the WA Library Technicians Group (WALT) symposium grant is to enable students and recent graduates of a library technician qualification course to experience the value of a National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium. The Symposium is a prime source of professional development and networking opportunities for library technicians within Australia and overseas.

Is there a need for increased ICT training in library technician courses in Australia?

ALIA Library Technician Research Award 2015, Debra Gilmore, ALIATech 
This research, made possible by ALIA in the form of a research grant under the auspices of the ALIA biennial Library Technical Research Award, investigates whether Registered Training Organisations (RTO) Library Technician courses adequately cover the information and communications technology (ICT) skills required by library technicians and employers.

Library technician education in Australia: state of the nation report

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) report highlights areas of good practice and provides a series of recommendations for enhancements to course content for the future. It also examines a number of critical issues that are likely to impact on library technician courses due to developments in the structure and funding of education in Australia, as well as changes within the Library Information Studies sector as a whole.


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