Fostering engagement with academic communities of practice: a new role for librarians
National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead.
National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead.
National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead.
ALIA welcomes the Australian Government’s commitment to online safety for children but we are concerned that creating a new position may not achieve as much as investing in existing programs and activities.
ALIA supports the development of a new model for minimising broadband data transmission costs for public information accessed through public institutions such as libraries and for non-commercial purposes.
It was also noted that there is a need for assistance from public library staff for users of electronic services, both for accessing government information and for everyday online tasks.
Over the last 20 years, public libraries have increased their role in the digital space, enhancing people’s online experiences, helping people connect to this new virtual world, and providing a safety net for those who are in danger of being left behind.
While government departments and agencies can drive their own delivery of egovernment, take up by the public is something which has to be encouraged and assisted. Public libraries are well positioned to assist with this transition, given the additional resources needed to do so (primarily staff time and skills).
Given planning time and support, public libraries can be a major asset to government departments promoting cybersafety initiatives and adopting a stronger digital presence.
ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation exploring the implementation of the eSmart Libraries program is integral to the conference theme of ‘Public Libraries Supporting Communities’, as it will not only showcase innovations in community engagement and education, but it will provide participants with an explanation of how the framework itself is practical, well supported and evidence-based.
ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
In 2013 the ANZ 23 Mobile Things programme took over the Southern Hemisphere as the professional development programme of choice. Over 6 months, 770 people learnt how to use their mobile device to enhance their life, their libraries and their patrons’ ability to connect.
This conference presentation goes through the process of how one tweet of an idea turned into a MOOC, what the successes were, what the challenges were, what worked and what didn’t.