Career development

ALIA Library

ALIA Schools PD 2018: Reimagining the 21st century collection [slides]

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 17 March 2018 Glen Iris, Victoria: What does the 21st century school collection look like?
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians and others who are responsible for school library services. This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanies the keynote address which explores the concepts underpinning the creation and development of a modern school library collection.


ALIA Schools PD 2010: Australian curriculum - opportunities for teacher librarians

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 23 October 2010 Northcote, Victoria: The Australian curriculum – opportunities for teacher librarians 
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians and others who are responsible for providing school library services and will discuss:

  • how the Australian curriculum offers opportunities to position yourself within the school
  • how do we resource change

This program provides a schedule of the day's activities.

ALIA Schools PD 2010: Across the story bridge...connecting readers

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 22 May 2010 Northcote, Victoria: Across the story bridge...connecting readers
The seminar is for those with an interest in promoting reading and enriching literature experiences especially focused on this year's Book Week theme. Target audience is primary and secondary teacher librarians as well as other teachers, school library technical support staff with an interest in:

ALIA Schools PD 2011: ARM(E) yourself with strategies for best practice - accountability, reflection, maximizing effectiveness

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 22 October 2011 Mill Park, Victoria: ARM(E) yourself with strategies for best practice - accountability, reflection, maximizing effectiveness
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians and others who are responsible for providing school library services. Topics include: How do we ensure that we meet the standards required by the V.I.T.?; What can we do to become an essential part of learning and education for now and in the future?
This program provides a schedule of the day's activities.

ALIA Schools PD 2011: Positives and pitfalls of eBooks and eReaders

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 19 March 2011 Camberwell, Victoria: Positives and pitfalls of eBooks and eReaders
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians and others who are responsible for providing school library services: Topics to be investigated include: How do we navigate the eBook landscape? How do we best integrate them into the curriculum and library?
This program provides a schedule of the day's activities.

ALIA Schools PD 2010: Managing your collection in the electronic environment [slides]

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 13 February 2010: Collection on a knife ($$) edge
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians with an interest in collection development: budgeting, policy and evaluation for both digital and print resources. The focus is on how to get value for the dwindling dollar and how to assess and evaluate what to purchase. 
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the session "The Balanced Collection 2: Managing your collection in the electronic environment".

ALIA Schools PD 2011: Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Awards [slides]

ALIA Schools Professional Development Seminar, 4 June 2011 Camberwell, Victoria: A world of stories - a reading environment
The seminar is for primary and secondary teacher librarians and others who are responsible for providing school library services and will provide participants with:


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