
ALIA Library

HLA/MedicalDirector Digital Health Innovation Award: Application form

The HLA/MedicalDirector Digital Health Innovation Award is funded by MedicalDirector and maintained by the ALIA Health Libraries Australia group. The Award focuses on innovation projects in health care information delivery with practical outcomes. 
The Award is presented annually at a relevant HLA (ALIA) event. The recipient/s are to be presented with a certificate and $3,000 to implement the innovation or further their (or their team’s) professional development in the area of the innovation.

Des Tellis Australian Geoscience Information Association Grant

Des Tellis Australian Geoscience Information Association Grant is an annual grant fund of up to $2500 is available to ALIA Members who are Australian residents engaged in the practice or study of geoscience information and data management. The purpose of the funding is to provide financial assistance for projects that have one or more of the following objectives:

Anne Harrison Award Recipients

Miss Anne Harrison (1923-1992) was librarian-in-charge of the Brownless Medical Library at the University of Melbourne (1949-1983), and founder of the Central Medical Library Organization (1953-1994). She helped pioneer the introduction of Medline into Australia, and was a founder of the Australian Medical Librarians Group in the early 1970s, and later of the LAA Medical Librarians Section (now ALIA Health Libraries Australia). 

ALIA Children’s and Youth Services: Marjorie Cotton Award and Bess Thomas Award Nomination

The Marjorie Cotton Award is maintained by the ALIA Children's and Youth Services Group.
Promoting the role and image of librarians providing library services for young people, an award of $500 and citation recognise an outstanding contribution to library services for young people.
This document is an application form for peer nomination to receive the Marjorie Cotton or Bess Thomas Award.

Metcalfe Award

The Metcalfe Award recognises high achievement by a current financial Associate or Library Technician member in their first five years of practice in libraries and information services. Achievement would be commensurate with experience and should show a contribution beyond the normal requirements of the nominee’s employment. This may include but not be limited to initiative, a commitment to innovation in practice, and leadership.
This document is an application form for peer nomination to receive the Metcalfe Award.

Queensland Library Achiever of the Year 2020: Nomination form

The Queensland Library Achiever of the Year Award is maintained by the ALIA Queensland group.
The Queensland Library Achiever of the Year Award is an annual merit prize aimed at:

  • Encouraging recognition of an individual working in any sector of the library and information profession in Queensland
  • Providing an opportunity to promote innovation and excellence within the library and information profession
  • Increasing the profile of the profession

This document is a form for self-nomination and nomination to receive the award.

Redmond Barry Award

The Redmond Barry Award is awarded in recognition of outstanding service to one or more of the following:

  • promotion of a library and information service or libraries and information services
  • to the theory or practice of library and information science, or an associated field.

This document is an application form for peer nomination to receive the Redmond Barry Award.

ALIA Silver Pin

The ALIA Silver Pin is available to personal member who has served a minimum of five terms (five years) or more on ALIA group committees (including special interest groups, ALIA Board advisory groups, ALIA conference committees, or as the ALIA representative on external committees) or any ALIA Member who has made a significant contribution the Association, considered to be the equivalent of a five-year commitment.
This document is an application form for nomination or self-nomination for receival of the ALIA Silver Pin.

ALIA Student Award

The Association provides an award to recognise the highest achieving graduating student in every ALIA Accredited librarianship and library technician course, as a means of rewarding excellence.
Educators should complete the application form four weeks before a graduation ceremony or conferring in absentia and email it to


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